IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Bridging Broadcast Manager (BBCM)

This chapter describes Bridging Broadcast Manager (BBCM) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.001 instance_strinitlzd

Long Syntax: BBCM.001 instance_strinitialized

Description: Bridging Broadcast Manager has been initialized


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.002 instance_strHALTED

Long Syntax: BBCM.002 instance_strHALTED

Description: Bridging Broadcast Manager has been halted. No protocols are active


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.003 instance_strSTARTED/RESTARTED prtcl protocol_name, age out= age_out min

Long Syntax: BBCM.003 instance_strSTARTED/RESTARTED protocol protocol_name, age out= age_out min

Description: BBCM has been started (or restarted) for the given protocol


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.004 instance_strSTOPPED prtcl protocol_name

Long Syntax: BBCM.004 instance_strSTOPPED protocol protocol_name

Description: BBCM has been stopped for the given protocol Frames will not be processed by BBCM for the protocol, existing protocol entries will be aged out over time


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.005 instance_strSHUT DOWN BBCM for prtcl protocol_name

Long Syntax: BBCM.005 instance_strSHUT DOWN BBCM for protocol protocol_name

Description: BBCM has been shut down for the given protocol. Frames will not be processed by BBCM for the protocol, all existing protocol entries have been deleted. This is likely a result of BBCM running out of memory for adding additional protocol entries. BBCM's memory is now free for other functions to use.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.006 instance_strdeleted all protocol_name prtcl entries

Long Syntax: BBCM.006 instance_strdeleted all entries for protocol protocol_name

Description: All protocol entries for the given protocol were deleted.



Short Syntax: BBCM.007 instance_stradd to protocol_name cache failed. prtcl CB alloc err

Long Syntax: BBCM.007 instance_stradd to protocol_name cache failed. protocol control block allocation error

Description: BBCM could not add a new protocol address because an error occurred while trying to allocate memory for the protocol control block. Given the lack of availability of memory, BBCM will shut down.

Action: Contact your customer service representative.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.008 instance_stradded protocol_type_string protocol_address on MAC addr x MAC_address to cache

Long Syntax: BBCM.008 instance_stradded protocol_type_string protocol_address on MAC address x MAC_address to cache

Description: BBCM added a protocol address with the given MAC address to its cache.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.009 instance_straged protocol_type_string protocol_address on MAC addr x MAC_address from cache

Long Syntax: BBCM.009 instance_straged protocol_type_string protocol_address on MAC address x MAC_address from cache

Description: BBCM aged out the given protocol address on the given MAC address from its cache.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.010 instance_strset protocol_type_string protocol_address age to age

Long Syntax: BBCM.010 instance_strset protocol_type_string protocol_address age to age

Description: The given protocol address age was set to the given age.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.011 instance_strWarning: MAC addr x MAC_address replaced MAC addr x MAC_address for protocol_type_string protocol_address

Long Syntax: BBCM.011 instance_strWarning: MAC address x MAC_address replaced MAC address x MAC_address for protocol_type_string protocol_address

Description: BBCM has discovered that two MAC addresses are using the same protocol address. The first MAC address displayed was detected more recently and will now be associated with the protocol address.

Action: This may be a misconfiguration of one of the devices.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: BBCM.012 instance_strWarning: MAC addr x MAC_address conflicts w/ Permanent Entry MAC addr x MAC_address, protocol_type_string protocol_address

Long Syntax: BBCM.012 instance_strWarning: MAC address x MAC_address conflicts with Permanent Entry MAC address x MAC_address, protocol_type_string protocol_address

Description: BBCM has detected that the first MAC address is using the same protocol address as the Permanent Entry shown. The Permanent Entry remains intact.

Action: This may be a misconfiguration of a device, or the Permanent Entry.



Short Syntax: BBCM.013 instance_strINIT FAILED

Long Syntax: BBCM.013 instance_strINITIALIZATION FAILED

Description: Bridging Broadcast Manager initialization has failed. An error occurred while trying to allocate memory for BBCM initialization.



Short Syntax: BBCM.014 instance_strERROR STARTING PROTOCOL protocol_name

Long Syntax: BBCM.014 instance_strERROR STARTING PROTOCOL protocol_name

Description: Bridging Broadcast Manager for the given protocol could not be started successfully.



Short Syntax: BBCM.015 instance_strNo assoc. Super ELAN

Long Syntax: BBCM.015 instance_strNo associated Super ELAN exists

Description: A Bridging Broadcast Manager request was made but the associated Super ELAN could not be found.

Action: Contact your customer service representative.

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